Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!
When I was a little girl, Christmas time always felt like magic. In some ways it still does. It has been my goal since my kids were little to create that kind of magic for them every Christmas. My wish for you this holiday season is to be able to look around and see the magic in all things. The way the lights twinkle on the tree as if that tree grew specifically for you to enjoy it’s evergreen glow this season. See the magic in the time spent with family, allow the memories of years gone by to warm your heart and fill any empty spaces. The magic that exists in the time spent in between visiting different homes. If your family is like mine, we go to numerous different houses for celebrations. Sometimes the best times we have with our family is in the car ride to and from those various homes. There’s magic in that special meal a loved one made, or in the hand made gift. Magic is literally everywhere, we simply need to open our eyes to see it.
I’m sending you all so Much Love this holiday season!
J.S. Wik