
The Learning Curve

This week has been a total learning curve for me. It all started when I remembered that Amazon had a way to self-publish a book. I had seen something about it probably over a year ago and for whatever reason it popped into my head. So, since I sit in front of a computer all day long I decided to do some research.

I learned a little about marketing, and gathering a following (which is still a work in progress). I learned about KDP and IngramSparks. I started looking into book covers, the different sizes and artwork. I joined many, and I mean MANY Facebook groups for writers. I started following other writers in hopes that they would return the favor. I’ve thought about so many different aspects of my book and had a mini panic attack thinking of my thoughts being in writing for the whole world to read.

That is the goal of course, but writing is also extremely personal. I mean you are literally letting people read the thoughts that go on inside of your head. Yes, a blog isn’t much different, but I’m not writing a sex scene here. I also don’t have to worry about what my mom, or worse my grandma, might think if she reads this. This part, at least, is more superficial.

Here’s the thing, this learning curve isn’t even close to being done. There is so much more that I need to understand. I’m committed to making this book a success. I’ve also got so many ideas for other books bubbling on the surface just waiting to be fully written out instead of just jotted down so I don’t lose them forever.

So, here’s to the learning curve – the expanding of the mind, and to hoping I can retain enough of this knowledge for the next one!

Much Love,

J.S. Wik

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