Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.
We have various things growing in our yard. We’ve lived here just over a year now. There wasn’t enough time last year to transplant the things we wanted to. Plus, I had barely figured out where I wanted to transplant any of it, but as it sits right now there is no rhyme or reason to where the previous owners planted anything.
One of our favorite things about our yard has become the mulberry tree. This year we harvested some rhubarb, (which originally looked like an alien plant growing next to our garage) and we picked up some blueberries on sale at the grocery store. Last Friday evening I went outside with Journey. (He has been doing so much better. His staples have been removed and he started showing signs of getting back to himself.) There were quite a few ripe mulberries on the tree so I went into the kitchen, grabbed one of the stainless steel bowls that had once belonged to my husband’s grandmother and went back out to pick some.
My Love had already made plans to make a rhubarb blueberry jam this weekend. We will be going on our family vacation soon and would like to bring some with. With the addition of the mulberries he’s decided to make some mulberry jam as well.
As I was picking the mulberries, half of them falling to the ground because they are so perfectly ripe, I couldn’t help but think about how grateful I am for the Earth. I literally did nothing and this mulberry tree is gifting me with food. Not just any food either, but nutritious and delicious food. How amazing is that?

I don’t think that we give the Earth the consideration and appreciation she deserves. Maybe some do on a more regular basis, but when was the last time you celebrated Earth Day? (Yes, I know I’m late) It was most likely when you were in school. I know that’s the last time I really did.
These days, if I plant a tree it has more to do with what would look good in my yard versus the need for oxygen. The even more remarkable thing is that the Earth doesn’t care. She will continue to do all of the amazing, incredible things for us until she can’t anymore because of the damage we’ve done.

I’ve often thought about the ways of the Native Americans. I remember being a little girl and my dad telling me that they didn’t waste anything. They would hunt buffalo and use every part of such a massive animal. I then think about the ways of the Amish, not the religious aspect, but just the massive amount of knowledge they have for making things. There is such a huge wealth of knowledge in this world from every corner of it’s people that is forgotten by the majority of society.
Could I make butter if for some reason there was a shortage and I couldn’t get any? Possibly, with a Google or YouTube search. I’m sure that in the numerous cook books my husband and I have there must be a recipe in one of them. We don’t always think about how differently we did things in the past. We don’t have to because we can just go to the store and buy anything we want. If it isn’t in the store we can order it online. Our society has become so wasteful and focused on instant gratification. These luxuries make our lives easier. Don’t get me wrong I am grateful for them too. I just wish we could strike a balance. Recycling is making a difference of course, but it cannot reverse the negative impact we’ve already had.
This was supposed to be about how grateful I am for all of the incredible things the Earth does for us. I was not intending for it to be all doom and gloom. I don’t believe that it is completely. What I do believe is that we can all make a difference. Even with our time being short on this four and a half billion year old planet we can make a conscious effort to be better and to do better by her. She deserves it and so do our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and beyond.
So, here’s to doing better. Here’s to being better, at least more conscious of our waste and of the impact we are making, both positive and negative. Am I going to go out and buy an electric car? No, I actually just bought a bigger, less gas efficient vehicle out of necessity. You simply cannot fit six kids, two grown ups, one normal sized dog and a dog the size of a small bear in a Prius.
Also, watch for the free prequel to the Second Chance series coming to your inbox!! It should be in there within the next month. This whole author thing has been a learning curve. I truly appreciate all of you that have come along on this ride with me!! I can’t wait to create more books and see where this path takes me.
Much Love,
J.S. Wik