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    Aptitude’s Cover Reveal Coming Soon!

    Next Friday, April 26th, you will get to see Aptitude’s cover in all it’s glory! Then on Tuesday, April 30th you’ll be able to preorder it as well! These times are incredible right now with Habitude’s release on April 23rd!…

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    Second Book Release!

    I am so excited to announce that the Second book in my debut series, Happenstance of a Second Chance, is up for pre-order and will be released on June 30th!! Book three in the series, Advance of a Second Chance,…

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    Its Release Day!!!

    This is the most exciting day!! All of you that have pre-ordered First Glance at a Second Chance will be receiving your e-book version! I can’t wait for you to read it and enjoy it!! Currently Book 2 – Happenstance…

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    Huge Announcement!!!!

    I can’t wait any longer!! The first book in my series is available for pre-order!!! You read that right! You can now pre-order my book!! You’ll get your e-book (or be able to order a paper back copy) on April…