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    Aptitude is Available for Pre-Order!!

    The time has come! Aptitude is officially available for preorder starting today!! I cannot wait to share this one with you! If you’ve seen previous posts then you know this book holds a very special place in my heart. This…

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    Aptitude’s Cover Reveal Coming Soon!

    Next Friday, April 26th, you will get to see Aptitude’s cover in all it’s glory! Then on Tuesday, April 30th you’ll be able to preorder it as well! These times are incredible right now with Habitude’s release on April 23rd!…

  • Blog

    Pre-Order is now Available for Habitude!

    You can now pre-order Habitude at most retailers! Simply click the link below and you will have the choice of which retailer to purchase from! With this series it was important to me to have it available in other stores…

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    Happy New Year Everyone!!

    Here it is!! My word of the year! Clarity! I am choosing this word for this year because I have a tendency, as do many authors and entrepreneurs, to try to do everything all at once. In this career specifically…

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    Now Available on Kindle Vella!

    It’s here! The first four episodes of Aptitude are available on Kindle Vella!! I’m so excited to share this story with you! In Aptitude, we follow Faith and Jonathan through the second year of their relationship. In Habitude, we watched…