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    This week has me thinking a lot about changes; changes in habits, life changes, changes in mentality…basically all the changes. LOL! Seriously though, change is inevitable. You cannot stay in one place forever, nor should you really want to. How…

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    Motivation Inspiration

    Where do you find inspiration? How do you stay motivated? Recently I shared the image below giving 5 ways to find your passion on my social media. It got me thinking about how I came into writing and the many other…

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    Great Expectations – Or not

    Lets talk about Expectations – They are good when used in the correct way. We can use them to propel us, or to set boundaries and intentions. It all began when we learned to use them as children to form…

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    Happy Mother’s Day!

    Moms have one of the hardest, most thankless “jobs”. We do so much for so many and as the years pass we forget what it was like to not be a mom. Our identity becomes wrapped up in taking care…