So Many Questions
This week I became overwhelmed by all of the questions that I have either no or very little answers to. Plus my life got like twice as busy because my daughters started Softball. Softball always makes life hectic, but it’s an amazing thing to watch my girls do well at.
I came to the realization that my book was not actually formatted in a way that would work well for publication. Thanks Word… Really what does Word know about what font and spacing should be at to self publish though? However, this means that the 270 pages that I’ve already written need to be reformatted. It would probably be best to just wait until I’m all done writing the book to format it all at the same time, but my brain has a hard time with that. I’m writing…getting really into a scene and in the back of my mind there’s a nagging voice telling me that the font size is wrong, it’s too small, and did you know that you aren’t supposed to use tab to indent paragraphs? Really…you’re not! I had no idea! (I’m sure I sound like a complete novice to other authors, but we all start somewhere!)
I have definitely found myself getting so caught up in the research that I’m not focusing enough on the story I want to tell. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad I’ve looked into all of this, it just feels like that is pulling my attention lately more so than my book is. So for the next week I’m putting the research on the back burner and willing myself to focus on writing.
On the bright side – I have had such an awesome time engaging with everyone this week, answering questions about my book and how long I’ve been writing, and sharing some inspirational quotes and some of what I’ve been working on in my journey. We can all use more of that in our lives!
If any of you ever have any questions please feel free to comment, email me or message me on any platform listed! I hope everyone has a great Easter!

Much Love,
J.S. Wik