Patience, Resilience & Positivity
The past two weeks have been a whirlwind. We’ve moved, closed on the sale of my house and the purchase of ours. All kids and pets have been acclimating well to their new surroundings. We are still in the middle of unpacking, organizing, and just generally figuring out where we want everything. Then throw in CO-VID 19 and life has turned completely upside down.
I am working my day job from home, which is helpful since the kids don’t have school. They are all doing virtual learning and sometimes need help with technical things, or just a normal homework type question.
I am blessed to be able to be here with them, and to still have a job. I fully understand that isn’t the case for many. My heart goes out to those families and to the families of the essential workers right now. My Love is considered an essential employee and I value the sacrifices they are all making right now.
To be honest, I’ve been having a hard time with staying positive, if you know me, you also know that isn’t me at all. I can acknowledge how lucky and grateful I am for many things, but with so much uncertainty it’s still difficult to be positive, especially when I finally begin to feel like things might start to get better something else, or multiple somethings, get added on.
So, you may be wondering what I am doing to try to stay positive and have patience with the current state of things. Self care for one. I decided after work today that I was going to sit in my room, with it quiet, and write this. Sometimes self care is just doing something you want to do. Today was stressful and I knew that I needed the unwind this would allow me. So as I write this I am sitting on my bed under the blankets with one of our cats at my feet asleep.
I keep reminding myself that “Everything happens for a reason” and that “Things could always be worse”, mantras I have used my entire life. They have served me well and I truly believe them. Another one I believe wholeheartedly is that we are never given anything we can’t handle.
Certain things in life have the ability to knock you down. Some harder than others. It is in those moments that you have the choice to make. Am I going to let this teach me something, or am I just going to turn a blind eye and wallow in self pity? You don’t grow from self pity, you don’t grow from wallowing. You grow from putting one foot in front of the other and taking steps, no matter how small.
Let’s pick each other up, metaphorically speaking of course because social distancing and all of that. Lets be the light in someone else’s day, no matter if its on social media, or over the phone. Stay Positive. Stay Resilient. Stay Patient. Better times are coming.
I am sending Love, Light and Healing to all who need it. I am grateful for each and every one of you!
Much Love,
J.S. Wik