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    Happy Mother’s Day!

    Moms have one of the hardest, most thankless “jobs”. We do so much for so many and as the years pass we forget what it was like to not be a mom. Our identity becomes wrapped up in taking care…

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    Too Many Ideas

    I had taken quite a long break from my book before this, but now that I’ve opened that channel of creativity again with reading, writing and researching it’s literally opened a flood gate of ideas I feel like had been…

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    So Many Questions

    This week I became overwhelmed by all of the questions that I have either no or very little answers to. Plus my life got like twice as busy because my daughters started Softball. Softball always makes life hectic, but it’s…

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    Building My Pedestal

    I’ve slowly been letting more and more people know about this little secret of mine. I essentially started my Facebook author page, Instagram, website, Twitter, & Pinterest accounts all within a couple days of each other. Once I had ensured…

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    The Learning Curve

    This week has been a total learning curve for me. It all started when I remembered that Amazon had a way to self-publish a book. I had seen something about it probably over a year ago and for whatever reason…