Motivation Inspiration
Where do you find inspiration? How do you stay motivated?
Recently I shared the image below giving 5 ways to find your passion on my social media. It got me thinking about how I came into writing and the many other passions I’ve come to realize over the years.

As for writing it was just something that I always did. There was no real finding it, from as young as I can remember I wrote stories, poems, and songs. I have notebooks full of writing. I kept a journal for years. I loved reading other people’s stories too, which was most definitely handed down from my mother and grandmother. Whenever there would be a writing assignment in school I was excited, but then the wind would be stolen from my sails by a teacher telling me what I could and couldn’t write. In college that got a bit better when I learned how to spin things to make it work for the paper the teacher was looking for. When I started writing my book it was really not planned. Like at all. I didn’t really intend on it being a book. I just had a story in my head, I started typing it out and it grew, and grew, and grew some more.
Painting on the other hand was not something I always did. I was always creative, but for some reason I was scared to paint, I was worried about not being good, about what people would think, and as I got older and had a family I was scared of the expense of the supplies I’d need. I’d watched an artist named Jerry Yarnell on TV almost every weekday in 2014, it was relaxing and extremely informative, but I still couldn’t take the plunge into the paint, so to speak. Then towards the end of 2015, I was out with my best friend having drinks at a bar that I’ve been to many times. I went to use the restroom, as I was walking out I saw a sign on the door about a paint event that was being held there to benefit the Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America. I ran back out to our table, grabbed my phone and went back into the bathroom (my best friend was extremely confused by this as you can imagine). I took a picture of the sign and signed up later that night when I got home. I went by myself, something I wouldn’t have done 6 months or a year prior, I met and heard some amazing stories of a woman who had been dealing with the disease for years. Most of her friends and family were there supporting her and the cause. The whole experience was soul touching. I had found a new passion that day, one that had been calling to me for years. I was no longer afraid of what people would say, I was no longer worried about the expense. I wanted to fill my home and others’ homes with my paintings.
Here are some of my favorites: (I am well aware that I am no Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, or Pablo Picasso…Certainly no Leonardo Da Vinci)

Recently, my oldest daughter graduated 8th grade. There was a keynote speaker at the graduation who’s main question was “what is your small act, the seemingly small thing that may have the biggest impact on your life and getting you closer to your dreams?” We should all be doing at least 1 small thing a day that is a step towards creating the future we’ve dreamed of . Inspiration can be found all around you, just open your eyes and your mind to it. Then find your motivation. Most importantly, find how to keep that motivation! My motivation is my kids – I want to show them what it is to work hard and be happy in life. The only way I know how to keep myself motivated is envisioning our lives after I’ve achieved what I’m working towards.
This life of ours only has so many days – so many nights – so many hours – so many months and so many years. Make the most of ALL OF THEM. They don’t come back again, and sometimes are cut too short.
Shove fear in the back of your mind and move forward towards your dreams anyway. You could inspire someone else to do the same. If a person is going to judge you they aren’t your true friend. If anyone is jealous of you for pursuing your dream, it just means they wish they were doing the same. Do it ANYWAYS!
Much Love,
J.S. Wik
P.S. Don’t forget to Sign up for my newsletter! As I am working on my book – which has now become a series you will then be the 1st to know EVERYTHING, from the title, to a sneak peek of the cover, and the Character’s names. As the release approaches I will be doing a giveaway to those signed up! So Sign up today!