Life, Patience, & Trust
I’m diving deeper for this one, I hope you all don’t mind. I’ve been struggling lately, something has been heavy on my mind. Writing things out has always helped me clear the clutter so to speak.
With the wedding being done and the kids going back to school, in person, I’ve reached a point where I’m not sure where I should go. I was laid off from my full-time job right after Easter because of Covid. We had just bought our house not even a month before that. The kids were all home doing online school at that time. I was thankful to be home with them for that and also I was able to do so much more for the wedding.
I made the center pieces and since everything was closed and I had the time I decided I would do the flowers as well. See pictures below for some of the crafted decor.
My Bouquet Centerpieces Painted Signs Large Welcome sign made from a Pallet Pen Holder
I LOVED planning our wedding, it brought me so much joy, from finding the perfect vendors for us to work with that would help us create what we wanted, to every little detail in each bouquet, corsage, and boutonniere. I knew that when the wedding was done I’d have a decision to make as far as my full time employment goes.
The “deadline” for this choice keeps getting pushed. We will be taking our honeymoon in November, since the kids started school shortly after our wedding, it would have been extremely stressful to take our honeymoon right after the wedding. Then there is the possibility of the kids (who are in 3 different schools) being sent home at any point because of a covid out-break in school.
I’ve been taking them to school every morning and picking them up every afternoon. I have a quiet house to write in (besides when our giant dog is barking at a UPS truck which is his arch nemesis for no apparent reason.)
My thoughts are all over the place. I could go back to school, maybe for something that could help with marketing my books, I could also find online courses specifically for authors to learn how to market their books. I could find something full time – which poses a few different stressful issues, getting the kids to and from school, what happens if they get sent home again, and I’d have less time to focus on writing. I could find something part-time. OR I could delve into my books, writing and marketing and try to get them making us a sufficient supplemental income. The potential is there, but that takes time and money.
This isn’t a place I’d ever thought I’d be. My job was in many ways a huge part of my identity. I worked for a company for almost five years and had an amazing boss. I never saw this coming, like most people I’m sure. Luckily I’ve had plenty to keep myself busy and feeling productive.
My choice will be what makes the most sense for my family. My husband and I have had numerous discussions about it and he’s been so amazing not pushing anything on me and just letting me have my own thoughts and feelings.
Have an amazing day!!
Much Love,
J.S. Wik