It’s Release Day!! AGAIN!!
I can’t believe that it’s only been 2 months since the release of First Glance at a Second Chance and now I’m releasing Happenstance of a Second Chance!!
The amount of support I’ve received has been overwhelming. It means so much to me. When I started writing this it wasn’t with the intent to publish. At first I just sat down at my computer when my son was napping and started writing a story. It was the escape I needed at the time. I noticed that my mood was incredibly improved on the days that I wrote. So I wrote more.
The first book was actually finished about 6 years ago. I had the entire story in one file including over half of the second book and had no idea where to end one book and start another, but I knew it was getting too long to have as just one. The second book was over halfway done when I decided to look into publishing them. I knew it would be 3 books in order to tell the story, and I wanted to add a 4th as a final follow up to the story. We all know that trials can take some time….(hint hint)
Most days I go back and forth between writing the 3rd book and doing things for the wedding. It’s coming up quickly!! Plus, we’ve had to deal with navigating ever changing Covid-19 guidelines. We decided early on that we weren’t going to change our wedding date. We decided that because we want to be married now. LOL! We don’t want to wait any longer than we already planned. When everything started opening up, we knew that we might have to make some changes to the number of people invited. We also understood that there would be people who do not feel comfortable coming to a wedding during all of this. We had to be ok with that.

Advance of a Second Chance is coming soon!! I am really trying to not make you all wait too long!!
It is up for pre-order here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BJFVFH9
Just a reminder, If you’ve read the first book in the series, please leave an honest review! That does a few things, it lets me know how I can improve and it also helps others find the book. The more reviews a book has the more exposure it gets on Amazon.
And of course, if you haven’t already, sign up for my newsletter so that you will be the first to get all of the big announcements to come!
Thank you guys so much for showing so much love to my books already!
Much Love,
J.S. Wik