Its Release Day!!!
This is the most exciting day!! All of you that have pre-ordered First Glance at a Second Chance will be receiving your e-book version! I can’t wait for you to read it and enjoy it!!
Currently Book 2 – Happenstance of a Second Chance is with the editor. I am writing more of Book 3 – Advance of a Second Chance. Some of you may have seen my post about my proof copies coming in. That is a moment I will never forget. It is also one of those moments that cannot be duplicated. There is only one first time.
If you follow the link below you can order or view the paperback version – complete with a look inside.
Paper back available to order here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1952557003
I do think I will still have a great sense of accomplishment and get emotional whenever I release a new book. I think that’s part of the reward of this. It isn’t just writing a story that has never been written or just being the witness to the story unfolding.
Recently I was asked what my favorite part of writing was. My answer was that sometimes as I’m writing, the story will take a completely different turn from where I saw it going. I write by the seat of my pants with a loose outline of what I think will happen. I often have revelations as I’m writing that change the story line entirely. It’s always been for the betterment of the book and the story. It seems like magic as it’s happening and oftentimes it gets me that much more excited to keep writing.
I want to thank all of you for your support. It has amazed me how many people have wanted signed copies and have already pre-ordered. At this time of uncertainty I am grateful to have amazing followers, friends and family!
If you haven’t already, sign up for my newsletter. There will be more to come and this way you will be the first to know!
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. I will let you all know when Happenstance of a Second Chance is available for pre-order. I am so excited for you all to read the series!
Much Love,
J.S. Wik