It’s Here!!! Cover Reveal Day!!
Isn’t it so gorgeous?!? I’m beyond happy with how it turned out!! Now I can’t wait to get the physical copies in my hands! For an author, that’s when all of this becomes real; when the book goes from being a file on your computer to something you can actually hold in your two hands! It’s like magic, the magic of creation, of our imaginations becoming actuality.
I have another HUGE announcement!! As you can see in the graphic above, Habitude will be available for preorder on Tuesday March 12th! You’ll be able to order it right here on my website, or anywhere else books are sold! Simply click the button that says “Habitude” below to find it on your favorite retailer!

If you’re signed up for my newsletter you should have received the first and second weeks of Fridays with Faith! This is a great chance to meet her and get to know her before the books come out! If you’re not signed up yet then you are definitely missing out! What are you waiting for? Sign up today!
These next few months are so exciting for me! I can’t wait to share this story with you, finally!! As you’ll eventually see in the dedication, this book, Habitude, is a symbol of perseverance for me. I actually finished the first draft in February of 2022, but after I began editing I was overcome with feelings of imposter syndrome. It crippled me to the point that I couldn’t even open the file without wanting to cry.
I did the only thing I knew I could do, I gave myself time and I tried to have patience. Clearly opening the manuscript wasn’t happening so taking the time wasn’t hard. The book was in the back of my mind for the next year, though, and I can’t tell you how guilty I felt and how much I beat myself up over the fact that I wasn’t writing.
The imposter syndrome didn’t only effect my feelings toward Habitude, it also effected my feelings toward everything I’ve written, including the Second Chance Series. I did very little marketing or even talking about writing during that time.
By May and June of last year I felt my desire to write building. I found myself thinking that it didn’t make sense to have a completely written book sitting on my hard drive when so many people could and should be enjoying it. So in July I got to work editing. When I finished that I started writing Aptitude right away. Now I’m over 2/3 of the way finished with the first draft of Beatitude. Then I’ll start editing Aptitude.
I’ll be releasing the publishing schedule for the first three books very soon!! For now, be sure to pre-order Habitude!! Here’s the button again in case you missed it! Remember, it’ll be available for pre-order everywhere on Tuesday March 12th!
I know you’re going to love this story as much as I do!
Much Love,
J.S. Wik