Hiatus or Something
Life gets busy. I know I’ve talked about this before, but it goes along with mental health and the choices we make. The pressure we place on ourselves doesn’t need to be such a looming thing. We deserve to give ourselves the break we would give anyone else.
We have 2 kids in basketball currently, so nightly practice and at least 2 games a week per kid. We have an accepted offer on our new home and I’ve accepted an offer to sell my home. We also decided to switch our wedding reception venue, plus there are still vendors we need to find for the wedding. My maid of honor also ordered the dress I had picked out that I had seen online only and it wasn’t the right color, luckily she is amazing and managed to find a very similar dress, which she ordered and is the correct color!
I’ve been more or less absent here. Sometimes you have to drop one ball that you’re juggling because one or two of the other four are getting a little wild and require more attention. This was the ball I set down, my writing. I made the choice to not put out more content at the moment. I made the choice to focus on what requires most of my attention because that is what it deserves. My book, this site, and my social media followers deserve more attention than I could have given. This was a break to relieve myself of the expectations. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do and be the best that I can at all times. It has helped me in many ways, but it was a learning curve to understand where to set boundaries and to figure out how to not push myself to a breaking point.
Not everyone gets it, not everyone believes in self care, some may even see it as being selfish. Selfish is a very negative word. It isn’t selfish to fill your cup so you have enough to give to others. It isn’t selfish to focus on the most important matters in your life, which will continue to shift until the end of your days. It is truly the best thing you can do for yourself and others. Your loved ones deserve the very best version of you, the only way you can be that is to take the time you need for you.

I’m not saying I’m back and that I’ll be posting content on a daily basis like I was or even doing a blog weekly. I would love to. I would truly love to place my focus here, it is my outlet, it is a key to my happiest self, but my time just cannot be allocated to this right now. Life happens and you just have to roll with it. I’ll get back to that when things calm down. In the meantime, I’ll be posting randomly and writing every chance I get.
There is light at the end of the tunnel though. Our move is happening shortly and basketball is coming to a close. Although, that also means softball is almost upon us once again. My book is still with my editor, I think she knew that a release earlier would have been too stressful to try to keep up with.
Thank you all for coming along on this journey with me. I am thankful, grateful, and feel blessed beyond measure to have people interested in what I have to say.
Much Love,
J.S. Wik