Happy New Year Everyone!!
Here it is!! My word of the year! Clarity!
I am choosing this word for this year because I have a tendency, as do many authors and entrepreneurs, to try to do everything all at once. In this career specifically you write a book, which in and of itself is a huge accomplishment, but then there are so many other things you need to do. You have to find your readers and market your book and hope beyond hope that they like it. There’s editing and cover design, and You see other authors doing this one magical thing that brought them all of the success they were yearning for and you think maybe if I do that thing it will work for me. Then you do it and it falls short of your expectations.
So my wish is to have clarity in all things, but especially in my next steps in my business. If you missed it, I made an announcement a month or so ago that I will be making the Dark in the Light Series available at more retailers, which I’m super excited about! I have preorders and release dates coming soon in future updates, so watch for those!!
Have you chosen a word for 2024? If so, let me know in a comment below! I’d love to hear about it and why you’ve chosen that word specifically!! You can always send me an email too! Jswik@jswik.com
On past New Year’s Eves I’ve created new paintings. Doing that has always felt extremely cathartic and just like a genuinely great way to bring the new year in. This year I finished writing a book. Which is an even bigger accomplishment especially considering it’s the longest book I’ve ever written and it took me the longest number of writing days to get it all out of my head and onto the page. It’s the first draft of the second book in the Dark in the Light Series. Now I’m really excited to dive right into book number 3!

Every new year feels as if it holds promise of being better than the last, the truth is that only WE can make it better than the years before it. I am choosing happiness. I am choosing my joy and my peace. I am choosing to work hard to get these books that are longing to be written out into the world so that people can enjoy them and have a respite from their lives. I am choosing to learn and relearn things in a different way. I hope that this year brings you clarity and every ounce of happiness in all that you do!
If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet, make sure you do! I’m giving you the Second Chance Series prequel eBook, “The Wrong Chance”, as a thank you! Plus, you’ll officially be considered a Virtual Vacation Lover! All I’ve ever wanted to do was help you get lost in the pages of a book, to give you an escape – a virtual vacation!

Remember to keep an eye out for all of the amazingly exciting announcements to come!! I can’t wait to share them with you!!
Much Love,
J.S. Wik
P.S. Don’t forget to check out my Ream and/or Patreon pages!!
P.P.S. Don’t forget that you can order Signed Paperbacks right here on my website!! (Click the image below or use the navigation menu and click on ‘Shop’)