Happy Mother’s Day!!
Happy Mother’s day to all of the Mothers out there! You truly make the world go ’round! I know that being a mom can be a thankless “job”, but I hope that you feel all of the gratitude today! My wish for you is to be pampered and know that you’re loved and appreciated! 💜
To all of the women out there who have an angel baby (or multiple) or are still yearning to be a mom, I see you and I truly wish for all of your hopes and dreams to come true. 💜
Lastly, to all of the women who have lost their moms, I hope that you can find solace in celebrating today and that only the happy memories flood your thoughts! 💜
When I started writing Faith’s story, I knew her and Jonathan were going to have infertility troubles. I also knew that having children was extremely important to Faith. It has been an honor getting to explore that part of her character and share it with the world. You’ll see more of this in the coming books in the Dark in the Light Series, there is slight exploration of it in Aptitude, but mostly books 4 and beyond.
As an author I really enjoy sharing subjects that touch others in a profound way. I also enjoy pointing out injustices and shining a light on those things. Books are an escape, but when they are based in reality, they should be realistic. I’m not going to gloss over homophobia, sexism, racism, or infertility. People struggle with these things, and more, on a daily basis and they shouldn’t be shoved under a rug as if they don’t exist.
I’ll carefully climb down off of my soap box now! I truly appreciate everyone who has ordered Habitude! All of the reviews have been incredible and I’m so grateful for those of you who have preordered Aptitude!
If you still need to get either or both you can find Habitude here, and Aptitude here.
Much Love,
J.S. Wik