Happy Mother’s Day!
Moms have one of the hardest, most thankless “jobs”. We do so much for so many and as the years pass we forget what it was like to not be a mom. Our identity becomes wrapped up in taking care of others. It is the most frustrating and rewarding thing any of us will ever do. We have to find the balance between guidance and control, between loving them and enabling them, and between our own sanity and having the laundry and dishes washed or the floors mopped. My kids have made me feel more pride and love than I ever knew was possible. I am so grateful to be their mom!
I am really looking forward to time with my family today. We are heading to the zoo. This is the first year I knew exactly what I wanted to do on Mother’s Day. My favorite animal has always been the elephant. When my love and I took the kids to the zoo in January they weren’t out. I didn’t let it ruin the trip by any means, but I’ll admit that I was disappointed. I knew that their new habitat would be revealed in May, so it was perfect! My mom also very much enjoys our family trips to the zoo which meant she would be on board and have a great time with her kids and grand kids all together having fun.

I hope all of you moms enjoy your day!
I have a really great blog in the works that I will post this week. Honestly, it is my favorite so far and in ways reminded me of the main character in my book.
Much Love,
J.S. Wik