Happy Easter!
If you are celebrating Easter today I hope that you are enjoying your day! If you’re not celebrating Easter, then I hope you’re still enjoying your day and all that spring has to offer!
We’re celebrating with family, we actually celebrated with my family yesterday and are celebrating with my husband’s family today! It works out well, especially with Wisconsin weather being what it is, unpredictable.
At my parent’s we always have an easter egg hunt for the kids, typically outside when the weather allows, and share a delicious meal as a family. The kids love it! Even as mine are getting older they still do, we just have to get more creative with where we hide their eggs. Bonus points if we can remember where they are when the kids only have one or two left! Insert face palm emoji! Haha! We also have to hope that in the time it takes for us to hide them all and go inside to get the kids out to find them a squirrel doesn’t find an egg and crack it open stealing the candy inside. We’ve definitely had that happen a time or two!
Easter to me has almost always meant spring – with the exception of the years we’d get snow, I’d be dressed in my pretty Easter dress and bonnet with snow flakes blanketing the ground it seemed every year as a little girl. I’ve got seeds started for my garden and so far they’re thriving in my little makeshift greenhouse I have inside, because cats. I can’t wait until it is consistently warm enough outside to get the garden cleaned up and ready for planting! Last year my garden was a huge success and I’m so looking forward to home grown tomatoes again!!
What are some of your Easter traditions?
Also, tell me what kind of spring plans you’ve got to look forward to! You might already be planting outside depending on where you live, or able to enjoy the outdoors more because the weather is better in your area! I’ll live vicariously through you, if you’ll allow it!
Much Love,
J.S. Wik
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