Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find your books?

You can order signed paperbacks under the ‘Shop’ tab above! The Second Chance Romance Series is available on Amazon and is enrolled in Kindle Unlimited. The Dark in the Light Series (which will be released between 2024 & 2026) and any other books that I publish in the future will be available everywhere books are sold. If you cannot find them in store you will be able to request them. You can even inquire with your local library about them getting a copy or two! This means; Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, Google Play, and many others. Simply search for the title or my name J.S. Wik and you should find them!

Series links to be inserted here when available.

How did you start writing?

I’ve been writing stories and poems for as long as I can remember, but I started writing books when my youngest son was just about a year old. I simply sat down at my computer one day while he was napping and began typing. I was in a rough situation at the time and I quickly realized that my mental health was better on the days I’d written.

What is a Virtual Vacation Lover?

A Virtual Vacation Lover is anyone who loves to read books! I coined my readers that because I want all of my books to be an escape for anyone who reads them! If you haven’t yet, sign up for my newsletter! You’ll get a free eBook as a thank you and be the first to know everything that’s coming up!

Do your books need to be read in order?

As of right now, yes. The Second Chance Series needs to be read in order, with the exception of the prequel. You could read that at just about any point. (I’d actually written it last!) The Dark in the Light Series also needs to be read in order. In that series we follow Jonathan and Faith through years of their relationship, you can’t read their first year and then jump to their fifth without missing some pretty important information!

Will your books be available places other than Amazon?

Currently The Second Chance Series is enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited program and will not be available on any other retailer. I do plan on having all of my other books available everywhere, including this website!

How do you come up with the ideas for your books?

What typically happens is when I am in that space between being awake and being asleep I have a eureka moment where I have to jump out of bed and write it down so that I don’t forget it. Then I spend the next hour or so trying to fall asleep, but unable to because I’m too excited about the idea I just had! I have a rough idea of what is going to happen in each book, but the specifics aren’t flushed out until I sit down to write.

Do you have a question you would love to have answered? Fill out the information below and J.S. Wik will add your question with her answer to this page!