Following up on my family vacation…I’m Engaged!!! Can I please just shout that from the roof tops? HAHAHA! Seriously though, the moment was perfect, My Love is incredible, and I am so very lucky! I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with such an amazing human being.
We, as a whole family of eight plus two dogs, had an amazing time! It was such a treat to be able to spend the amount of quality time together that we were able to. I didn’t get much writing done, which I feel slightly guilty about, but I wouldn’t have changed anything at all!
Now, My Love and I, are in early stages of planning our wedding, and while that can be an all consuming task, I am still going to be focusing on my book. I am so close! The first one could honestly go to the editor once I figure out where it ends and the second one begins…Hahaha!
I have never claimed to be a professional writer. I’ve taken classes, but nothing to the extent some have. I think most writers start out that way. They just write and figure it out as they go. That is why you notice such an improvement in a writers work from book one to book one hundred. Character development and structure of the overall story line inevitably gets better with time and practice. The key is to keep writing and to keep learning.
I’m going to take my own advice and catch up with my book!
Much Love,
J.S. Wik
Also…sign up for my newsletter! As I am working on my book – which has now become a series, you will then be the 1st to know EVERYTHING, from the title, to a sneak peek of the cover, and the Character’s names. As the release approaches I will be doing a giveaway to those signed up! So Sign up today!