This week has me thinking a lot about changes; changes in habits, life changes, changes in mentality…basically all the changes. LOL! Seriously though, change is inevitable. You cannot stay in one place forever, nor should you really want to. How boring would that be?
It is the resistance to change that causes heart ache, sorrow, and pain. It is the resistance to growth and going out of your comfort zone that will create the most trying times in our lives. We must be fluid, ever adjusting to the tide.
Life has a way of throwing stuff at us that we least expected. Sometimes it is an unexpected miracle that we embrace wholeheartedly. Other times though it is the last thing we ever thought we would want, but somehow in time those generally turn out to be for the best too.
We can plan as much as we possibly can and try to be prepared for just about anything, but most often we just need to get out of our own way and allow the changes to come, and to have faith that everything will work out for the best. There’s that old saying that everything happens for a reason. I’ve always believed it to be true.
This next year promises many new and exciting changes for me and my family. These are changes we’ve been talking about for a while and everyone is super excited about, but there’s always room for those unexpected changes too.
Open space for them, allow them, relish them, and then release the idea of what you thought or expected it to be.
Much Love,
J.S. Wik
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