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    Beatitude’s Release Day is Here!!

    It’s Release Day!! This is the third month in a row since April that I’ve had a release day! They are all exciting and special, but I know that I need to savor this one since it’s going to be…

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    Beatitude Available for Pre-order Now!

    I’m so excited to have Beatitude available for pre-order for you! Things have been a little hectic around here recently! Our middle daughter just graduated high school so we’re getting ready for a party and have piled on projects because,…

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    Have you heard of Shepherd yet?

    I am so pleased to share that Shepherd.com asked me to become a part of their site! This is such an exciting opportunity to me because I get to share my love of books with readers and in turn it…

  • Blog

    Aptitude’s Release Day is Here!

    When I started writing this series in August of 2021 I had the release schedule all figured out. Then when I couldn’t write for a little over a year and that schedule had to go out the window. When I decided to start editing…

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    Happy Mother’s Day!!

    Happy Mother’s day to all of the Mothers out there! You truly make the world go ’round! I know that being a mom can be a thankless “job”, but I hope that you feel all of the gratitude today! My…