Calm & Compassion
I’ve recently been listening to a variety of podcasts. Some by other authors, others by bright minds who have a tendency to open mine.
One of the authors talked about how she chose a word for the new year. I’ve decided to implement this in my own life.
I’d been noticing my patience being shorter than I’d like. Negativity had also been getting way too comfortable in my thoughts. I knew I needed to do something, I just didn’t know what.
As soon as I thought of Calm and Compassion I knew that was it! If I could do my best to stay calm and be compassionate in all that I do then the negativity will have no place to stay.
So now I’m challenging you. Is there an area of your life that you wish you could improve? Think of a word, or a couple that will help you get to where you would rather be. It isn’t anything huge, but it could be just enough to work!
Much Love,
J.S. Wik