Building My Pedestal
I’ve slowly been letting more and more people know about this little secret of mine. I essentially started my Facebook author page, Instagram, website, Twitter, & Pinterest accounts all within a couple days of each other. Once I had ensured that my name was available across the board I jumped in with both feet.
I did not, however, jump into telling the people in my inner circle right away. I was so excited and that level of excitement can easily be brought down by someone who, in many ways just wants to protect you, but may not be as excited about the whole thing. I am not a pessimistic person. Realistic sure. Optimistic most definitely!

Complete strangers started following me on all platforms, some, who are authors themselves, giving me some really amazing encouragement. It has been exciting trying to get more followers, more people who may be interested in what I have to say. The best encouragement has come from my Love, my family & my friends. I honestly couldn’t feel more supported than I do right now.
As a writer, and most likely for any artist or creative, we tend to think somewhat negatively about our abilities within our craft. We compare our work to others. We critique ourselves more harshly than we would anyone else. We tell ourselves that this world, and the people in it, couldn’t possibly be interested in what we have to offer. The market is already so saturated with what we are doing. We’ll never get a break. Some of that may partially be true. To begin the journey of sharing your talents with the world you must first have the confidence that you will succeed. Then you have to have the determination to work hard to be successful.
I’ve been writing for a long time now. It has taken me this long to find the avenue and the guts to be ready and able to put my work out into the world. I understand that the path I’m taking won’t be an easy one, that it’s going to take a high level of perseverance, but I got this!
Much Love,
J.S. Wik

Oh! and if you’re not already following me on all the above listed platforms please click the subscribe button and follow me everywhere! (not literally…Hahaha!)