A message from J.S. Wik
Hello All! I’m so glad you’re here!
I want the books that I create to be the escape you’re yearning for. There might be moments where you’re on the edge of your seat or are getting frustrated because how can the MC have no idea what is going on behind their back? because you can clearly see it! That is the whole point of books, they are a safe place for us to feel all of the feelings without any of the consequences! Our imaginations are beautiful things and I can’t wait to bring you into mine!
My stories are a mix of romance and suspense, there will be some thriller aspects too! I’ve published a four book series with a prequel novella (The Second Chance Series) which is available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. I’m currently working on a ten book series called “The Dark in the Light Series”. I’m loving this one so far for so many reasons! Faith is one of my favorite characters I’ve written to date, and Jonathan has his charms as well!
I am so truly grateful for all of you who decide to support me in any way! I know how hard times can be and honestly don’t expect anything from anyone. There are free ways you can support us authors! Follow us on social media, like, share, and comment on our posts, and if you’ve read a book of ours leave a review! I promise you they make my day!
I can’t wait to connect with you!!
Much Love,
J.S. Wik
Here’s some animal cuteness for you to enjoy!!

Unfortunately we have also had pets that have crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge. They are all loved wholeheartedly and are immensely missed.

Losing a pet is a heart wrenching pain. They are members of your family and a part of your daily routine. Not having them is something you are reminded of every single day, multiple times a day. My heart goes out to anyone who is currently experiencing this loss. I understand entirely.