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    New Project Announcement

    Towards the end of July I had posted that I had been hit with clarity for my next book in the wee hours of the morning. It has taken some planning and further delving into the story in my head…

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    Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.

    We have various things growing in our yard. We’ve lived here just over a year now. There wasn’t enough time last year to transplant the things we wanted to. Plus, I had barely figured out where I wanted to transplant…

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    A Girl’s Best Friend

    That big guy’s name is Journey. I brought him home when he was a little (big) puppy. From those first weeks he has been another child to me. I’ve always loved dogs, but he was my first as an adult.…

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    Giveaway Announcement!

    I wanted you to be the first to know that I’m doing a giveaway to celebrate my upcoming 1 year anniversary as a published author on April 30th, 2021! You could win signed author copies of all 4 books in…