A Crazy Little Thing Called a “Dream”
I’m not talking about the dreams you have when you’re asleep with your eyes closed and your head on the pillow. No. I’m talking about the dreams you have as a child of what your life will be like when you’re an adult. The dreams that seem to be so far, but easily attainable at the same time.
When we’re kids we don’t have limiting beliefs. We think we can literally do anything as long as we have parents that foster this belief. Then life beats us down and we meet unkind or just unthinking adults who try to tell us all the reasons our dreams are too big and unrealistic. I’ve done this too, I’m calling myself out here just as much as anyone else. That just goes to show how much of a learned behavior it is.
My work history is probably a bit different than some. I started working when I was 14 years old as a dishwasher at a small, but busy restaurant. Then I moved onto retail after I got my driver’s license and a car. After high school I worked part time and went to college. I was burnt out. I had no time to do anything I wanted to without cutting into my sleep. I dropped out and quickly began working two jobs. I was working seven days a week, but I finally had my evenings to myself. I became pregnant with my oldest daughter and continued working both jobs until she was born. After she was born I quit one of those jobs and focused on my time with my daughter.
Fast forward a year and a half and my second daughter was born. I’d decided that the cost of daycare for a baby and a toddler was too expensive for us to afford so I became a stay at home mom. I was exhausted and felt very alone much of the time. I loved spending my time with my girls, I loved being the one to kiss their booboos, to take them on walks, and the one to help them discover all the new things. However, my confidence was non existent. I didn’t feel smart or capable. I was struggling emotionally, and mentally.
About five years later I started going to school. I was more independent and my confidence soared. I was doing amazing in school, made the deans list and just really enjoyed learning again. I was still home with my girls, but I was preparing for the future. After I graduated it was very difficult for me to get hired. I had no experience in my field except school and I hadn’t had a job in five years so my resume wasn’t looking good. I’d also gotten pregnant with my son shortly after graduation. As the months passed and my belly grew larger I decided to stop looking for a job.
When my son was about a year and a half, after about six months of applying for jobs and continually being denied, I started looking for jobs outside of what I’d gone to school for. I’d also started writing my first book. At that time I had no idea self publishing was a thing and I really had no clue what I was going to do with what I was writing. What I did know was that my days were better when I had written. I finally got hired at Best Buy as a seasonal customer service specialist. They liked me so much they kept me on after the holidays. I was working part time at night so that I could be home with my son and be able to pick my daughters up from school.
A year and a half later while laying in bed before falling asleep. I was going through emails and noticed an email for a job at the college I’d gone to right after high school. I’d been tossing around the idea of needing something more full time so I applied. Then another suggestion popped up and I applied to that too. The next day I got a call from that suggested job. Up until Covid shut everything down that company had been my home for the past five years.
I completely loved working there. I loved the laid back atmosphere, the collaborative effort I’d had with my partner in crime. I thoroughly enjoyed going to work nearly every day. I was a dedicated employee. I only called in when the kids were sick and I had no other options and if I could have worked from home at that time I would have. I went into work early on the mornings I could and I stayed late in the evenings when I was able to.
Then things started to shift. I started seeing things in a new light. It is true what they say – “Nothing will kill a great employee faster than watching their company tolerate a bad one.” I was getting frustrated and there were things going on in my life out side of work that were requiring more of my attention even when I was supposed to be working. I also met My Love at this time and so my attention and desires were shifting. My book became another focus outside of work and I’d finally decided what I was going to do with it. I was just feeling very pulled in too many directions.
I had hopes that one day I’d be able to be a full time author. I had a plan in mind as far as how much money I would have to be bringing in for a year at the very least before I’d even consider it. Then Covid happened and my husband and I decided that there was no time better than the present.
I get to be home with the kids, take them to school and pick them up. There have been a few times when having a 9-5 job would seem appealing, but then my husband snaps me out of it and reminds me that this was my ultimate goal. It just happened in a way that I couldn’t control (before I even had any books published!). Everything happens for a reason though.
There have been times that getting out of the employee mindset and into the business owner/entrepreneurial mindset has been difficult. I am a really good employee. I’m loyal, damn near to a fault. I am dependable and determined to do the best job I possibly can. I do everything in my power to get the job done without help or the need for interference from a higher up. I go above and beyond just my “job description” and gladly so. Employers love this and I get a great sense of accomplishment. This should translate to working that hard on my business, which at times it does, especially when a deadline is looming.
There is more collaboration to be done, more things to learn. However, unlike with school, I have to seek out my teachers. Which could be a really good thing! Monetizing your passion is something most of us dream about being able to do, but you also have to realize you run the risk of losing that passion. It’s a delicate line to walk.
Don’t limit yourself to only being an employee for the rest of your life. I could literally write my books from anywhere if I so chose, which is the plan eventually. Find what you love, make a plan and take small steps to start creating your dream life.
I’ve placed an order for copies of “The Wrong Chance”, “Circumstance of a Second Chance”, and “Advance of a Second Chance” for signed copies. If you’re interested please let me know, you can comment, email, or send a message I will get all the notifications!
I truly greatly appreciate all of you and your support. Reading all of my words is such a surreal, and incredible thing to me. Thank you so much!
Much Love,
J.S. Wik