20 Seconds
Twenty Seconds is all it could take to change your life, to change a mind (yours included), or to change the outcome of a situation.
Courage is defined as the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc. without fear; bravery.
Not that my opinion here matters all that much, but I don’t necessarily agree with that. I think that courage is more than just not having fear while facing those things but facing those things in spite of the fear that you will inevitably feel.
It takes more courage to face the fear when there is difficulty, danger, or pain than it would if there were no fear at all. If there were no fear then it would be a normal every day thing. Having courage isn’t limited to events either – for example a fire fighter running into a burning building. That is courage, of course, but there’s also, for example, having the difficult conversations, or falling in love again after being hurt.
There is a myriad of feelings that go along with any of those circumstances. We deal with fear, anxiety, hopelessness, and self-doubt in so many situations. Conquering that kind of negativity is absolutely courageous. For some, just leaving the house takes an immense amount of courage.
So the next time you find yourself stuck, unsure of whether or not you can move forward, just take 20 seconds. Breathe deep and believe that you can do whatever you set your heart to do. If it’s saying what your heart has been aching to say or just getting out of bed, 20 seconds can make a world of difference.
Much Love,
J.S. Wik