• Blog

    Beatitude’s Release Day is Here!!

    It’s Release Day!! This is the third month in a row since April that I’ve had a release day! They are all exciting and special, but I know that I need to savor this one since it’s going to be the last one for a little bit. Servitude will be out before the end of the year, more to come on that one in the fall! You can order Beatitude from your retailer of choice at https://books2read.com/Beatitude You can also find Habitude at Aptitude at https://books2read.com/JSWik There are a few reasons I started writing initially – first and foremost writing provided me an even better escape than reading did. At…

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    Beatitude Available for Pre-order Now!

    I’m so excited to have Beatitude available for pre-order for you! Things have been a little hectic around here recently! Our middle daughter just graduated high school so we’re getting ready for a party and have piled on projects because,…

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    Have you heard of Shepherd yet?

    I am so pleased to share that Shepherd.com asked me to become a part of their site! This is such an exciting opportunity to me because I get to share my love of books with readers and in turn it…

  • Blog

    Aptitude’s Release Day is Here!

    When I started writing this series in August of 2021 I had the release schedule all figured out. Then when I couldn’t write for a little over a year and that schedule had to go out the window. When I decided to start editing…

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    Happy Mother’s Day!!

    Happy Mother’s day to all of the Mothers out there! You truly make the world go ’round! I know that being a mom can be a thankless “job”, but I hope that you feel all of the gratitude today! My…

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    Aptitude is Available for Pre-Order!!

    The time has come! Aptitude is officially available for preorder starting today!! I cannot wait to share this one with you! If you’ve seen previous posts then you know this book holds a very special place in my heart. This…